(1)Have you prepared a budget for household expenses?
(2)Do you have adequate cash in hand or at bank to maintain your lifestyle in case of job/income loss? (Adequate cash is more than 6 months regular expenses)
(3)Do you have life cover of alteast 8 times your annual income to take care of your family needs ? (Life insurance can be taken in the form of term insurance, ULIP, Endowment or money back policies)
(4)Have you taken Health Insurance for your entire family?
(5)Do you save more than 25% of your monthly income(take home salary) each month?
(6)Have you identified your financial goals and started working towards achieving them? (Child education, marriage, retirement, house purchase are all examples of financial goals. Have you identified how much money you would require for each of these goals to be met and how much time is left to achieve them)
(7)Are your investments diversified across atleast 3 asset classes (Various asset classes include Equity, Fixed income, Real estate, Gold, other commodities)
(8)Do you review and track the performance of your investment periodically? (Periodic review means checking fund performance, realigment to macro economic changes etc.)
(9)Do you know how much money you will need after retirement to maintain a desired lifestyle? (The calculation should involve the effect of inflation on all expenses for you and your dependents)
(10)Do you have a detailed written will? (A will ensures that the distribution of your wealth happens as you want it to happen)

Thank you!

We can see that you have put in effort to plan your finances. But at the same time there certain areas that have been completely ignored. A correct direction along with proper risk profiling and asset allocation is what you might need. We will soon send you